About Us
Delivering high performing, off-site constructed buildings...
At R1 Living, our focus is on delivering exceptional, high-quality, and inspirational living environments that are proven to be cost-effective, sustainable, quick to deliver, and provide outstanding thermal and energy performance.
Established in 2021, R1 Living forms a new branch of the R1 Construction group specifically set up to focus on delivering offsite housing solutions. R1 Construction has a well-established reputation for delivering high-performing, off-site constructed buildings within varying market sectors, with a predominant focus on high-end education and teaching buildings.
R1 Living encompass the same build methodology as R1 Construction. An R1 Living home utilises a SIPs (Structurally Insulated Panel System) superstructure, manufactured off-site in a controlled factory environment which offers high levels of quality control, cost certainty, and speed of delivery.
A SIPs building offers exceptional performance, often significantly outperforming the energy and efficiency requirements stipulated within the building regulations. A SIPs system is adaptable, unconstrained, and can be finished internally and externally to meet any specification.